The Museum
Since it’s beginning the Society has been collecting local artifacts from Amish, Mennonite, Scots-Irish, and German ancestry. There are 9 rooms in the museum each featuring different collections listed below with a few examples of items in each collection. These artifacts are artistically displayed throughout the museum. Two of our featured artists are Isaac Peight, who by trade was a carpenter and taxidermist but was a natural born artist as evidenced in his work on display at the museum. Samuel L. Plank, an Amish farmer, is noted for his folk art, especially his painting on his Salt Boxes and his watercolor bookplates. He is also noted for his hand carved butter prints on which he carved his signature pansy flower. Other items of interest include Indian arrowheads, an Indian paint pot, and an Indian medicine pipe found on the Sam Detweiler farm located near the Huntingdon County line. Also on display is a circa 1770-1780 Chippendale desk owned by John Wilson, an early settler.
First Floor
The Coldwater Room
Early Kitchen Items
The Westover Room
Local Indian Artifacts
Rug Loom
Artwork of Isaac Peight
Plank Room:
Samuel Plank Salt Box and Butter Molds
Items from Local Doctors (Metz, Hazlett, Walters, Helfrick)
Peight Room
Corner Cupboard made by Stewart Peters
Miscellaneous Kitchen items
Hazlett Room
Local Dairy Items
Taylors IGA Items
Military uniforms
General Wayne Hallway
Pew from the 1st Presbyterian Church
Allison Room
Dr. Silas Hazlett Items
Jacob Dachenbach’s Grandfather’s Clock and Desk
Chippendale Walnut Secretary Desk circa 1770
Second Floor
Kennedy Room
Walnut Cradle
Rope Bed of Sadie Newman King
Gibboney Room
Vintage Clothing
Gibboney Mill Blanket
Jenny Linn Rope Bed
Huey Room
Local Handmade Quilts
Quilt Frames
Spinning and Flax Wheels
Fleming Room
Allensville Presyterian Church Altar and High Backed Chairs
Wedding and Baptismal Gowns
Chester Room
School Banners
Local Band items
Baseball Uniforms
School Memorabilia